The Phone Is Ringing Again

Author: Frank Bertalli  /  Category: Tips and Tricks

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I think I’m starting to become a hopeless romantic.  Valentine’s Day has eclipsed almost every other holiday on my favorites list.  I tell you I am in love like never before. It happens every year right around February 14th.  It’s the same love that I’ve always had as long as I can remember but lately this love is nearer to my heart. What I am talking about is the sound of the phone ringing again.

The fall is probably my least favorite time of the year. You can call customers until your fingers are raw and all you get is voice mail. Eventually they call back but everyone is talking about time off for the Holidays instead of the next promotion or campaign. They complain about not having any budget left and having to wait until next year to buy. It’s frustrating no doubt.  A lot of my customers have long given up on competing with Holiday purchases to sell their goods and services in the early winter months so Sales Incentives and Travel Certificates are the furthest thing from their minds.

On the first of January I’m sitting here ready for business. I’ve got all my programs spruced up and ready to go. I added a few new ones to wet their appetite just in case they want to try something new. I’m ready to make a deal, I’m wide open with ideas, but the phone still seems to be standing in the way of progress. And then it finally happens…

On the first of February my customers seem to come to life and by Valentine’s Day we are hard at it again.  Oh, how I love this time of year.  “What is the goal?” “How many do we need to buy?” “Can you give me a break on 5000?” “Can you put our name on it?”  Yes sir! Yes Ma’am!  No problem! Do you want cheese on that too? (Just kidding! We don’t offer any cheese, but we could!)

This year is special though. The phone is ringing like it hasn’t for a long time, even for February.  People are asking for new things and are excited about getting out and prospecting again. It sort of feels like the good old days! I had thought that maybe they had all given up, but I’m even getting calls from those crazy guys with the wild ideas again. I’ve been saying that the economy is about to turn around for us and I think I now have proof that I’m right.

Advertising and marketing are driven by fear of loss.  Over the last several years businesses haven’t had to promote because their competitors weren’t promoting either but I think this year that will change and this is a great thing for the Incentive Premiums business. Now that a few marketing departments have started using Travel Certificates and Sales Incentives again the others will follow and I’ll be ready!

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